Kevin trudeau debt cure book

However after, reading other books over the past years, such as life after debt, i found that keven trudeau s debt cures seemed to contain previously written content. Several of his books, including natural cures they dont want you to know about, allege that both the u. Kevin trudeau is an author, a twotime convicted felon, and keeper of information that they dont want you to know. Bestselling american author kevin trudeau, whose name became synonymous with latenight tv pitches, has been sentenced to 10 years in prison for swindling consumers through infomercials for his book about weight loss. Kevin trudeau s book is exceptional and well worth its price. I realize the credit companies are driven by greed, but the author is advising consumers that if their credit card bill is too high, you can negotiate with the credit company. Food and drug administration and the pharmaceutical industry value profit over treatments or cures. May 08, 2008 see kevin trudeau and his natural cures book exposed and mocked may 8, 2008, by paul lucas here are two must see videos for any fan of infomercial pitchman kevin trudeau, author of natural cures they dont want you to about, the weight loss cure they dont want you to know about, and debt cures they dont want. Debt cures 2014 edition by kevin trudeau by kevin trudeau jan 1 2014. The 273 page book basically states you must pay to join his website to find out any specific information. This is the fine print of the free walmart gift card offer. Debt cures ii they really dont want you to know about.

Kevin trudeau s most popular book is natural cures they dont want you to know about. Previously censored brand name products that cure disease by kevin trudeau 20060508 by kevin trudeau. Debt cures they dont want you to know about kevin trudeau on. Kevin offers tips on getting rid of your pmi, making biweekly payments and refinancing your variable rate mortgage for a fixed rate now that interest rates have gone up. The credit card industry is one of the most profitable industries in this country, but they dont want you to know it. Of course, in the comments, there were a fair share of people who truly believe that kevin trudeau is the snake oil salesman he appears to be. Want to solve all your debt problems and get rid of debt, boost your credit score and save thousands on your loans and credit cards. Marketer kevin trudeau is always selling something, and in 2009, it was his book debt cures they dont want you to know about, his followup to natural cures they dont want you to know about. Ben read the book debt cures they dont want you to know. What i am trying to do is get an outstanding credit score and it needs to be improved. When you call the credit card company it is pretty darn hard to make them lower your interest rate like it says in the debt cures book.

This book is nothing but fluff, and the first 50 pages, the author basically repeats himself. Marketing and packaging debt cures to sell like his other books, kevin trudeau uses a 2part formula to market and sell debt cures. Kevin trudeaus new book debt cures they dont want you to know about first came to my attention when my mom told me about an informercial that trudeau was doing for the book. Like an idiot, i bought it and i let the woman on his order line talk me into the debt cures deluxe package of additional material on 10 cds as well. Sep 19, 2012 a few weeks ago, i wrote about kevin trudeaus new book debt cures they dont want you to know about. But since this is his third book we are much more skeptical about anything he publishes and judge him more harshly than we would most other authors. Kevin trudeau debt cures they dont want you to know about part 2 audio book. Yet, i still hypothesized that he is the best salesman of our time. Despite kevin trudeau s claim that it is groundbreaking and never before been released secrets, you can find the same info by doing your own research online. For the first three chapters of debt cures, kevin trudeau takes the approach that you know nothing about the lending, banking, and credit industry. He is a shinychinned tv star who has appeared in numerous infomercials where he employs his talent as a silvertongued operator of bullshit, teasing the viewer with bits and pieces of information that they dont want you to know. Kevin trudeau blows the lid off a nest of deception and double standards concerning general and individual health in new york times best seller natural cures they dont want you to know about. Is kevin trudeau s latest book debt cures another scam from a man who has a less than stellar reputation.

The ftc sued kevin trudeau for making false claims in infomercials about his book. Kevin has risked government prosecution to bring you the full story of an intricate conspiracy. A few weeks ago, i wrote about kevin trudeau s new book debt cures they dont want you to know about. Tv pitchman kevin trudeau sentenced to 10 years in federal. First, he claims there is a secret get out of debt method that the banks and even the government are. Read kevin trudeau s books, followed his instructions and they work. Anyone staying up late at night has probably seen an infomercial promoting one of kevin trudeaus latest cures books weight loss cure and natural cures. Books by kevin trudeau author of natural cures they don. Some who bought the book claim it has almost no usable information that cant be easily gleaned from other, free sources. The antiaging miracle they dont want you to know about.

Trudeau s activities have been the subject of both criminal and civil action. Kevin trudeau jailed for 10 years over weightloss book. Discount prices on books by kevin trudeau, including titles like the antiaging miracle they dont want you to know about. Some who bought the book claim it has almost no usable information that. Kevin trudeau and his debt cures book hit top scam list. I found the book had a few good bits of information. Debt cures they dont want you to know about by kevin trudeau. Are you getting deeper and deeper into debt while they make bigger and bigger profits. In kevin s book debt cures one little trick saved several thousand dollars of finance charges. Find out why the financial industry wants to keep you in debt. Money secrets is packed with short, easyreading segments giving readers one quick moneysaving tip after another. This is a series of upsells you have to go through when you order debt cures from kevin trudeau.

Kevin trudeau blows the lid off the banking and credit card industries by exposing the greatest rip off of our citizens in this national point in history. He then tells the reader pretty much how to steal from credit card companies. Debt cures they dont want you to know about audiobook by. Its similar to the matthew lesko commercials promising free money to pay your bills, free grant money to start your own business. I saw the infomercial for his latest one, debt cures, and wanted to see what it was about. His mission is to expose the greed that has taken over corporate america. Editions of debt cures they dont want you to know about. In my opinion, if this was kevin trudeau s first book instead of his third book, it would be received in a more positive light instead of all of us thinking it just might be another scam. Was told that the shipment could not be stopped being that it was shipped out already. The book arrived in a similar box to what you receive when you order a book from amazon.

According to trudeau, the book identifies brand name products that will cure myriad illnesses. Lot of 6 kevin trudeau debt cures, natural cures, weight loss, free money. Trudeau broke the law and ordered him to repay people who bought the book through an infomercial. Then offers solutions to your debt problems while at the same time keeping more money in your pocket and using credit to build your wealth. Two years later, trudeau published a second medical book titled more natural cures revealed. Kevin says that the debt problem is not caused by the spending habits of the american public but rather the aggressive practices of the american consumer lending industry. Howeveralot of his advice is shown right here on the debtcc forum. He claims to be making no money from this book, that it is a public service and that he is a consumer advocate. Trudeau touted his book, the weight loss cure they dont want you to know about, in commercials that often employed newsinterview formats. Kevin is a bestselling author who has sold over 15 million books. Hes sold millions of other books under titles such as. Debt cures kevin trudeau worthless content ripoff report.

Debt cures they dont want you to know about by kevin trudeau spells out just what the credit card companies and the banking pals dont want you to know about those deceptive credit card practices along with great advise on winning at their game. Rising interest rates is a recent topic so kevin trudeau including it in this book is a timely addition. Were both always a bit wary of anything advertised via informercial, but trudeaus book sounded like something different. Trudeau became rich selling millions of books with titles such as natural cures they dont want you to know about and debt cures they dont want you to know about, touting them in. They dont want you to know about audio books duration. Like his other books, kevin trudeau uses a 2part formula to market and sell debt cures. Kevin trudeau millions of americans are being buried alive. In this new book, kevin trudeau blows the lid off the banking and credit card industries, exposing the greatest ripoff of our citizens in this nations history.

Kevin trudeau is fast becoming the nations foremost consumer advocate and exposer of corporate and government corruption. Refunds for kevin trudeaus victims ftc consumer information. It covers every important financial area of life personal money management. Then see if debt cures the latest book from kevin trudeau can be the answer to your debt problems or if it is a scam and you should save your money. Mar 17, 2014 trudeau touted his book, the weight loss cure they dont want you to know about, in commercials that often employed newsinterview formats. Debt cures 2 book by kevin trudeau debt strategies make. The official website for the product promises specific ways to reduce or eliminate your debt, lower the payments on loans and slash your overall credit card debt.

Mark lamoure, boise, id high powered i think the book debt cures by kevin trudeau is an excellent book offering moneysmart answers for all kinds of debt problems. Kevin trudeau debt cures they dont want you to know. Mar 18, 2014 tv pitchman kevin trudeau has been sentenced to 10 years in prison for bilking consumers via infomercials for his bestselling weight loss book. Kevin trudeau books list of books by kevin trudeau. Hi everyone i just finished reading a book, by kevin trudeau. Debt cures they dont want you to know about debt cures they dont want you to know about equity press, 2008 0979825806, 9780979825804 2008 336 pages kevin trudeau millions of americans are being buried alive with outrageous fees, interest rates and penalties. Claiming to be a secret covert operative for almost twenty years, kevin knows from personal experience how big business and government try to debunk individuals who promote products that could hurt the profits of giant multinational corporations.

If you received a check, please cash or deposit it within 60 days. I bought debt cures they dont want you to know about and a couple others from kevin trudeau they are an interesting, eye opening read but nothing that can really help you unless you are just getting out of high school and need info on how to get grant money or if you have super old debt that is past the statutes of limitation or a victim of identity fraud. Lot of 5 kevin trudeau recession cures, the weight loss. First, he claims there is a secret get out of debt method that. Kevin trudeau filed a lawsuit on august 11, 2005, accusing the new york state consumer protection board of violating his first amendment rights by contacting television stations in new york state and urging them to to pull trudeau s infomercials promoting his book natural cures they dont want you to know about. In the infomercial he claims that these two magic words will clear up your credit almost overnight. Kevin trudeau s free money book is still airing on late night infomercials making big promises about getting free money from the government you never have to pay back. As he imposed the sentence prosecutors had requested. Mar 18, 2014 kevin trudeau jailed for 10 years over weightloss book claims this article is more than 6 years old judge calls author whose name was synonymous with latenight tv infomercials habitual fraudster. Kevin trudeau, the most hated man in corporate america, is blowing the lid off the banking and credit card industry, and exposing the greatest ripoff of our citizens in this nations history. I bought his natural cures book because he said there was a cure for fibromyalgia in it. Previously censored brand name products that cure disease isbn 0975599542. Just got my copy of kevin trudeaus debt cures book.

Kevin trudeau, you tried to pinch me and any one who orders debt cures for quite a few pennies. Tv pitchman kevin trudeau has been sentenced to 10 years in prison for bilking consumers via infomercials for his bestselling weight loss book. Just divide the monthly amount by 4 and make sure the final payment is there before the regular due date. Kevin trudeau author of natural cures they dont want. Dec 28, 2008 fresh off another round of arguments over our debt and financing, what to my wondering eyes should appear on our tv but the smiling face of kevin trudeau hawking his debt cures program. The book the natural cures they dont want you to know about is an excellent book and i think people need to know about it. Natural cures they dont want you to know about kevin trudeau alliance publishing group, inc.

The book delivers ideas for people drowning in a sea of debt. Dec 07, 2007 the ftc has filed a contempt of court action against trudeau and the companies that market his book the weight loss cure they dont want you to know about alleging that trudeau is in contempt of a 2004 court order by deceptively claiming in his infomercials that the book being advertised establishes a weightloss protocol that. Kevin trudeau 3 book lot natural cures, more cures revealed,the weight loss cure. Kevin trudeau has 27 books on goodreads with 7994 ratings. In 2009, a federal judge ordered trudeau to repay millions of dollars to consumers after he violated a 2004 ftc stipulated order by misrepresenting the books content. Kevin trudeau is one of the leading consumer advocates in america today. Not after you hear debt cures they dont want you to know about. I woke up during the night to another infomercial by kevin trudeau. Kevin trudeau kevin trudeau would like you to believe that in his latest book debt cures they dont want you to know about. Editions for debt cures they dont want you to know about. Meanwhile, the credit card companies are making billions of dollars in profits.

Lot of 5 kevin trudeau books weight loss cure debt cures natural cures free. Debt cures rehashes much of the same information already found in most debt, credit and finance books. I learned kevin trudeau was a fake when i ordered his book natural cures. Find out what happens when you order this book and what cures it actually contains. See kevin trudeau and his natural cures book exposed and. Kevin trudeau millions of americans are being buried alive with outrageous fees, interest rates and penalties. It was awesome and it has a lot of tips and help there. I found that strange that they tried to charge me more money for having it shipped more quickly to me and yet they want ahead and processed it for quick. After doing some research on kevin trudeau books i called to cancelled a day after putting in the order.

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